Riverview Bluffs Condominiums



January 2024 Riverview Bluffs HOA Membership Meeting
January 20, 2024 – 10 AM

Pl-ION£: 928-754-'l-253 - Fax: 928-754-4293
Email: riverviewbluffs@suddenlinkmail·com

WEBSITE: rvbcondos·com

MINUTES (to be approved ay next meeting)
The meeting was called to order by President Terry Work at 10:00 a.m. Pledge pf allegiance
The 2024 Board of Directors in attendance were Terry Work, Jennifer Winn, Ruth Frausto and Cheryl Turner
Members from 32 units signed at the meeting

REPORTS Presidents Report - by Terry Work (see Attached)
Accountants report - Donna Smith
           Presentation by Donna, and our bookkeeping is good. We have $200,000 in our reserves, but expenses are on the rise. This includes a major increase in the site insurance, and operating expenses. Pand L report posted to the webpage.
Approval of 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes Motion to approve- Roger and JoAnn

Election results for officers 2024:






Homeowner’s discussions:
• Use of the easement areas: bag toss and other uses
• Handicapped parking is at the Office only
* Additional landscaping to be added to the entrance
* Finish plumbing issues discovered in January
* Lower storage area walls will be built up. (as the hillside is sliding)
* Ongoing dog waste stations and ashtrays
* HOA Monthly Dues Raise: We have raised the HOA payments to 209.00 per month, which can be paid annually or monthly. RVB has been fortunate for the past 6 years to not have had an HOA raise, but this was necessary. We have incurred a lot of expenses over the past years due to the age of the condos, Including, water damage, Building upgrades and property damage, the majority of this is from people flushing no disposals items down the toilet and garbage disposal that created flooding in other units.
* Storage Lot
Starting in March, any vehicle, any trailer or vehicle that has not been moved or showed signs of use within 4 months, will be charged a $60 fee. This area is a short-term use storage.
* All vehicles on premises, including the storage site must have current tags, and registration displayed.
• Fire place use: Terry said everyone can use their fireplace, and to be sure that the chimney and Dryer vents have been cleaned.
* Discussed the development on Merrill Ave and Highway 95, this is a city project, there is nothing we can do to stop this other than attend Council meeting to discuss. Hopefully an addition of a traffic light is in their plans.




2024 President’s Message - Terry Work President Riverview Bluffs HOA


Happy New Year, Thank you all for attending.


I would like to introduce Faith Work our new office Manager Faith Work, Faith is also an owner here at Riverview and has a background in Mortgage lending here in Arizona and California. She is in the office Monday through Friday 8 am to 12pm. I also want to thank Helen Nagjin for all here work over the year and we all wish her a great and enjoyable retirement.


 I want to thank our office staff Faith Work and Gary Batson for all that they do keeping everything up and running here at Riverview Bluffs.


2023 Has been an active year for all of us at the Bluffs, from changing our Landscaping service to Painting the trim on our buildings. And as you know we did have to increase the HOA dues, we held off on this for many years, but after 3 years of major issues it was time, we worked to keep it low and we still are the lowest of most of the major condos in the area.


As we have had in the past we have had drain issues, and I want to remind everyone that the only this that should go down a toilet is human waste and toilet paper, no other paper products this includes wipes, and Kleenex!  Please do not put grease or items like Rice or Spaghetti down your garbage disposal as it will cause a clog in our sewer system. If you need more information please go to the Bullhead City web page and scroll to the bottom of the page for the TV link. This is also handy for updates in the city.


If you notice a leak or standing water please report it to the office ASAP! And if you have renter tell them the same as we have had tenants not reporting leaks causing a mold issue.


I hope that you have noticed the orange tubes in the easement areas behind the complex, this are the TWN Fiber Optic install that will allow us to have the option of TWN or Optimum for your internet carrier.


If leaving a vehicle onsite for any length of time please be sure that the registration is current that the vehicle is clean and tires inflated. If you have any concerns about your vehicle please contact the office.


Remember when leaving your unit unoccupied for more than 2 days to be sure to turn off your water heater, the Water (at the outside valve), and during the summer that AC be set for 80 – 90. If turning off all power to your unit (and only your unit) to empty your refrigerator.


Old Business Agenda:


  • TWN Fiber Optic installation will be completed in early 2024.
  • Skylight repairs and Roofing tiles replaced. We now have a supply of replacement tiles on site to be used as needed.
  • Sewer repairs,  this will be a yearly service of having all the building cleanout drains snaked and cleared, in an effort to stop clogged line (we ask your help in this)
  • Plumbing and building repairs done on several buildings due to pipe leakage, all piping in question has been replaced and upgraded.
  • Lower storage lot soil has been reorganized for better use of the lot, all vehicles and trailers must have current registration and if left in place for more that 4 to 6 months there will be a monthly storage charge. This area has also been checked and cleared of insects.
  • Widening of walkways along with adding crushed granite.
  • Yellow safety painting on stairwells and walkways for safety with increased lighting.
  • Routine landscaping, we have changed Landscaper due to service issues, the new Landscaper will be onsite 2 times a week. Pool Service has remained the same with the installation of a new Spa Hear and the main Pool heater being repaired.
  • Lighting along the entrance driveway the dog run and easements has been improved
  • Hour to the Clubhouse have been expanded for HOA use, the new hours are Monday, Weds day and Friday 8 am to 6 pm.
  • Clubhouse events – in 2023 we have had several events and party’s ranging from Halloween Costume party, Christmas Party, Bingo Night and a wedding! We look forward to more in 2024. Reminder that we now have Fire pits located around the complex.


New Business Upcoming in 2024:


  • Additional landscaping to be added to the entrance.
  • Completion of plumbing issues discovered in January.
  • Lower storage area walls will be built up. (As the hillside is sliding).
  • Ongoing Dog Waste stations & ashtrays – Ideas for improvement?


As always, we would like to hear your thoughts on how we have been doing, and what improvements you would like to see. Please feel free to contact any of the Board with your concerns.







President's Message and Annual Members Meeting January 2023


2023 President’s Message - Terry Work President Riverview Bluffs HOA



Happy New Year, Thank you all for attending.

I want to thank our office staff (Helen and Gary) for all that they have done. The 2022 BOD for their support for all that we have done here at the complex in 2022. As you may have noticed this has been a very active year here in the complex, we hope that you have noticed some of the repairs and improvements around the complex.

But some of our repairs could have been avoided if all of us had taken the following steps:

  • Only put Toilet paper down your toilet!
  • Do not put any Paper, or cleaning wipes
  • Do not flush gauge or bandages into the toilet
  • Please do not put grease of any kind or food Items down the drain. (see the Bullhead City webpage for a video)

It has been found that most of the sewer issues that occurred in the complex was due to the pipes being clogged with foreign material. If a unit is found the cause of such an issue they will be responsible for the costs for repairs (we suggest that everyone get a home owners warranty). Please think before disposing of waste.

Remember that when leaving your unit unoccupied for any amount of time beyond 2 days to be sure to turn off your water heater, and close your Water Valve (at the outside valve), turning off all power to your unit (and only your unit) that your refrigerator is clean and empty. Please always verify that your unit and vehicles are locked.

Please do not feed the coyotes, even though they will avoid humans they still may go after small animals. If they are fed they will become too relaxed around humans, remember that they are wild animals.

Please use the dog run or walking areas and please cleanup after your dogs with the supplied plastic bags.

If you see a stranger in the complex ASK who they are and if they are a resident here, if they are not an owner or tenant let us or better yet contact the police, the same goes for if you haven’t seen a neighbor for a while.

If there is a disturbance in the complex please contact the police, as members of the HOA are not trained or equipped for this.





Here are our accomplishments in 2022:

  • Riverview Bluffs Main sign repainted and plants added to entrance.
  • More sewage repairs done to buildings due to clogged lines.
  • Structure repairs to Northside of  building 4
  • Rerouting of irrigation lines in the complex.
  • Landscaping in complex (Ongoing)
  • Upgrading the software and database for the security system.
  • New PC and monitor for the office.
  • Upgrade gate entry installation of user friendly touch screen and upgrade entrance/exit cameras, new motion sensors now at exit gate.
  • Addition of Fire pits throughout the complex. (located at the pool, behind Building 12 and building 3&4)
  • Addition lighting along walkways and parking areas
  • Addition of signage throughout the complex (parking, trash, dogs)
  • Structure repairs to the outside of Building 4


Upcoming in 2023:

  • Pigeon removal will start again beginning in Feburary.
  • Lounge chairs for pool area.
  • More lighting in certain areas.
  • We will be taking Bids for the next building painting (if needed) and for touchup.
  • Lower storage area walls will be built up. (As the hillside is sliding).
  • Planned cost for extended storage of vehicles in lower storage area.
  • Palm tree removal and replacement
  • Ongoing Dog Waste stations & ashtrays – Ideas for improvement?

Finally, that even though we have had many expenses this year we are hoping that there will not be an increase in HOA dues or Garage rentals for 2023 but for this not to happen we need everyone help, we will be reevaluating mid-year HOA costs.

As always, we would like to hear your thoughts on how we have been doing, and what improvements you would like to see. Please feel free to contact any of the Board with your concerns.



Riverview Bluffs HOA Meeting of the Membership

Saturday January 21, 2023 – 10:00AM


  1. Pledge of Allegiance /Establish a Quorum/ Call to Order
  2.  Approval of past 2023 meeting minutes - APPROVED BY RICHARD VASQUEz
  3. Introduction of Board Members (for the year of 2022)


Presidents Message

Donna Smith – Book Keeper

  1. Old Business:
  • Ongoing site repairs (painting, water lines, Pool and Spa and general maintenance).
  • Entrance repainted
  • HOA repairs to Units in the complex (water damage etc.)
  • Sewer Repairs (Pipe replaced)
  • Lower Pool solar heating (Approved but tabled till 2023)
  • Removal of Pigeons Status (On-going)
  • Building 2 – discussion still on if it can be used or converted for complex use.


  1. New Business:
  • Fire Pits – we will be placing Propane Fire Pits in various locations for Owners use (except behind building 6)
  • Dog areas – Please keep all dogs on a leash, and cleanup after your dogs. Be aware that there is a pack of Coyotes living in the ravine North of the complex, remember that although they wander around the complex that they are wild. Do Not try to pet or feed! Please No  leaving plate of food or Feeding of Birds.
  • Pool rules please read and be aware of the pool rules, especially the requirements for occupancy and NO Glass of any kind in the pool area.
  • Trash Bins – If you have, a large item to be picked up Contact Republic Waste (928-758-9135) as they need to be notified, as there is an Owners fee for the large pickup. Please do not throw trash bags over the wall, open the gate and place in the container.
  1. Election Results – 2023 Board Members (positions and the meeting minutes will be posted on the complex’s webpage)
  2. Homeowners Discussion:

    Information given about feeding the wildlife (no leaving food out for the Coyotes or pigeons (health hazard and city ordinance about feeding Pigeons)

    Dog runs and cleaning of the area, discussion that it is the owner’s responsibility to clean up after pets.

    Unknown people have been seen on the complex grounds, advised to report to the Police before the HOA.

    Question about HOA Due increase, advised that next year there could be an increase and that owners will be notified.

    Discussion on the building 3 repairs and has other units had the same issue. _ Nothing has been found similar to the issue in Building 3.

    Building 12 resident has express concerns about the flooring in their outside patio, advised that we will have Gary check into this and report back to the HOA.

    Richard Vazquez address concerns over Water Heater inspection.

    Roger Yell expressed concerns about why we paint the Stucco complex buildings. Also had a question with the Motorcycle parking for him in the complex.

    12D requested additional lighting for the enclosed Dog Run area, asked about a possible additional Dog Run made by Building 12.

    Roger Yell 3A asked about creating a Shuffle board court or Corn hole game on the building 2 location.


Adjourn Meeting




Annual Members Meeting & President's Message January 2022

The annual meeting of the members is held on the third Saturday of January at the Clubhouse on the property of the Riverview Bluffs Condominiums. At the annual meeting the budget for current year and the minutes of the prior years meeting are approved. The President also gives his report of the prior years accoplishments and time is provided for the members to provide their input on the Association's activities.  

Riverview Bluffs HOA Meeting of the Membership


Saturday January 15, 2022 – 10:00AM


  1. Pledge of Allegiance /Establish a Quorum/ Call to Order
  2.  Approval of past 2021 meeting minutes  (Approved by Kitty Young, Seconded by Roger Yell)
  3. Introduction of Board Members (for the year of 2021)


Presidents Message – See attached

Donna Smith – Book Keeper Not present at meeting her report was read to the members (see attached)

  1. Old Business:
  • Ongoing site repairs (painting, water lines, Pool and Spa and general maintenance).
  • Entrance repainted
  • HOA repairs to Units in the complex (water damage etc.)
  • Sewer Repairs (Pipe replaced)
  • We will be doing roof repairs as needed as we have received replacement tiles.
  • Lower Pool solar heating (Approved but tabled till 2022)
  • Removal of Pigeons Status (On-going) discussion on removal and feeding of animals


  • Building 2 – discussion still on if it can be used or converted for complex use. Discussion on why we have not moved forward in developing and the reasons why (costs ,what it would be used for, and handicapped requirements)



  1. New Business:
  • Fire Pits – we will be placing Propane Fire Pits in various locations for Owners use (except behind building 6 as this one was purchased by 2 owners) Locations for the Fire Pits to be determined before purchasing. Everyone seems to like the idea of Firepits.
  • Dog areas – Please keep all dogs on a leash, and cleanup after your dogs. Be aware that there is a pack of Coyotes living in the ravine north of the complex, remember that although they wander around the complex that they are wild. Do Not try to pet of feed! No leaving plates of food or Feeding of Birds. – Discussed everyone in meeting agreed.
  • Pool rules please read and be aware of the pool rules, especially the requirements for occupancy and NO Glass of any kind in the pool area. _ Discussed the need to follow pool rule and everyone agreed that if glass or loud noise it would be reported. Looking into the possibility of Cushions for lounges
  • Trash Bins – If you have, a large item to be picked up Contact Republic Waste (928-758-9135) as they need to be notified, as there is an Owners fee for the large pickup. Please do not throw trash bags over the wall, open the gate and place in the container. Discussed, recommended that a notice be sent to all units in the complex (notice has been sent out) additional notices will be posted at the trash container areas.
  • Fire Inspection for 2022 will be for buildings 3-7 on January 24th, Fire Extinguishers will also be checked.
  • Vehicles in complex – reminder that if you have a vehicle in the complex, that it is to have a current registration and information of vehicles to be supplied to the Office Manager.


  1. Election Results – 2022 Board Members (positions and the meeting minutes will be posted on the complex’s webpage)

Terry Work – President

Steve Quinterio Vice President

Cheryl Turner Director – Secretary

Tonya Wade Director

  1. Homeowners Discussion: 11-I water pipe noise owner is unable to locate and thinks it maybe that there no longer a water regulator for his water line. ( it has been found that the water faucet for one of the toilets was not turned on correctly causing the noise). 

Richard Vasquez commented about noise in units above him.


Mike Quinn 1-F and Henry Crisler asked about pressure regulators


Roger Yell 3-A suggested putting covers over the water valves at the units, asked about why we paint stucco as he feels it never needs painting. Question status of building 2.


Ed Brandel 14-D suggested using the area behind 4&5 for horse shoes.


Becky Otis 14-D asked what buildings are next to be painted - this has not been determined if it will be done for 2020.  Approved January 21st


Glenn Baxter 11-C how much can Dues go up?  No increase in HOA dues at this time


Helen Najdzin Office Manager commented on the preparation of 2022 budget.


Dale and Kitty Young 5-A complimented Gary and Helen for all their work.





11-C Glen Baxter water pressure question, Gary will check.


Roger Yell suggests having an active director (volunteer, not on board) to schedule card games and community events. – this has been posted and a volunteer needed posted in information window at office along with a calendar attached to the bulletin board to be used for signups.




Adjourn Meeting


2022 President’s Message - Terry Work President Riverview Bluffs HOA

Happy New Year, Thank you all for attending First, I would like to express our thoughts and Prayers to the Friends and families of Riverview Bluffs owners that we have lost in 2021:

Sid Barron, Robert Ramey, and Denise Kolm

I want to thank our office staff (Helen and Gary) for all that they have done. The 2021 BOD for their support for all that we have done here at the complex in 2021. As you may have noticed this has been a very active year here in the complex, we hope that you have noticed some of the repairs and improvements around the complex. I hope that we will be able to continue our ongoing improvements planned for 2022.

Just a reminder: to only put Toilet paper down your toilet! Do not put any Paper, cleaning wipes, gauge or bandages into the toilet,  inaddition please do not but grease of anykind or Items that can be trashed vs. putting down the drain, as it was found that part of the sewer issue that occurred in the complex was due to the pipes being clogged!

I want to also mention that if leaving your unit unoccupied to be sure to turn off your water heater, the Water (at the outside valve), and during the summer that AC be set for 80 – 90. If turning off all power to your unit (and only your unit) that your refrigerator is empty.

Here are our accomplishments in 2021:

  • Security cameras have been upgraded with several new camera locations..
  • Skylight repairs and Roofing tiles replaced. We now have a supply of replacement tiles on site to be used as needed.
  • Sewer repairs, Sewer pipes replaced – due to a low spot and not biodegradable items flushed down toilets.
  • Plumbing and building repairs done on several buildings due to pipe leakage, all piping in question has been replaced and upgraded.
  • Lower storage lot soil has been repacked for ease of storing trailers and vehicles.
  • Pigeon removal, this is ongoing as they return yearly – Please do not feed the Pigeons.
  • Yellow safety painting on stairwells for safety.
  • Routine landscaping/pool service, along with the removal of a fallen Cactus (along driveway). In addition, the landscaped area between building 8 and 9 has been redone due to the sewer work.
  • Entrance to the complex has been repainted, along with the entrance kiosk.

Upcoming in 2022:

  • Upgrading the software and database for the security system,
  • New PC for the office.
  • More lounge chairs for pool area.
  • Upgrade for the Main gate entry .Installation of User friendly touch screen and upgrade entrance/exit cameras
  • Addition of Fire pits throughout the complex.
  • Additional landscaping to be added to the entrance.
  • Taking Bids for the next building painting (if needed) and for touchup.
  • Lower storage area walls will be built up. (As the hillside is sliding).
  • Ongoing Dog Waste stations & ashtrays – Ideas for improvement?

Finally, that even though we have had many expenses this year there will not be an increase in HOA dues or Garage rentals for 2022.

As always, we would like to hear your thoughts on how we have been doing, and what improvements you would like to see. Please feel free to contact any of the Board with your concerns.





Board of Directors Meetings

The Board of Directors (BOD) hold meetings throughout the year to review and take action on a variety of issues and concerns that may develop in the day to day operations. With the advent of the internet, much of the business is conducted via email. As such, with the decisions that made by this method, the results are shown on the BOD minutes of the subsequent meeting. As may be necesary, revisions to the Rules & Regulations may be made from time to time. Expenses are monitored and adjustments are made to stay within the annual budget. Plans are made to develop and control the completion of projects within the complex.

Meeting Minutes

(Click date below to review content of minutes)