Effective May 18, 2016 Suddenlink Communcations will launch its new High Definition Digital Conversion (HDDC) to Bullhead City, which will enhance the video quality being viewed on your TV's. As a customer of Suddenlink Communications, this upgrade in service will also be available to all the units within our complex. In order to receive HDDC a new adapter will need to be added to each of your TV's, which includes a new remote control. Each unit will be limited to two adapters, but additional adapters may be obtained from Sunddenlink for a small charge. Please consult with the Office (Helen Najdzin) for the details of this conversion process.
In order to receive the lowest cost available to our owners, the Association has established a special "Bulk Communication Services and Access Agreement" with Suddenlink Communications, which provides TV service to 109 units within the complex at a very competitive price. As such, this cost of service is contained within your monthly HOA fees.